Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on June 16, 2017
KeyQuant, the award-winning Paris-based systematic asset management company, today announced that Serge Darolles, Professor of Finance at Université Paris-Dauphine, has joined the KeyQuant team as an external Scientific Advisor.

Serge Darolles
Dr Darolles has taught Financial Econometrics and Empirical Finance at Université Paris-Dauphine since 2012.
He holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from University of Toulouse, as well as a postgraduate degree from ENSAE Paris. Prior to joining Dauphine, he worked for Lyxor between 2000 and 2012, where he developed mathematical models for various investment strategies. He has held consultant roles at Caisse des Dépôts& Consignations, Banque Paribas and the French Atomic Energy Agency. He is also a member of AMF Scientific Advisory Board and his articles on financial econometrics have featured in numerous academic journals.
Darolles’ role will see him assume key responsibilities in the structuring and management of the growing research team. He will also ensure the consistency of KeyQuant’s research process. Darolles will be instrumental in driving certain research projects as well as providing critical insights on current avenues of research.
His appointment is part of KeyQuant’s efforts to reinforce its research capabilities which will see the company’s headcount double over the next 18 months.
“Serge’s wealth of experience and expertise is a welcome addition to our ever-growing pool of talent,” said Robert Baguenault de Viéville, Co-Founder of KeyQuant.