Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on July 21, 2018
Leading consumer finance specialist, Duologi, is taking part in a challenge to go paperless for the month of July.
As part of the campaign to help businesses reduce unnecessary paper usage, Duologi will replace tasks that usually require paper with digital solutions – from invoicing and reporting, to printed contracts.
Duologi will be the first company to take on The Paperless Challenge, launched by award winning mobile data capture service, WorkMobile. The campaign responds to the findings of The Death of The Paper Trail report, which highlights that a third of UK workers admit to printing out unnecessary paper documents every single day.
To support Duologi in its quest to ditch paper, WorkMobile will provide £1,000 worth of its products and consultancy, which will help demonstrate the savings that can be made both financially and environmentally by going paper-free.
For the duration of the challenge, Duologi will be required to forgo all use of paper, and its team has been tasked with keeping a diary throughout to track the experience. The results will then be posted on the WorkMobile website.
Colin Yates, chief support officer of WorkMobile, said: “We were shocked to see just how many businesses still rely so heavily on paper. Such a strong dependence is not only detrimental to the financial health of the business, but also to the impact on the environment.
“Therefore, we’re delighted to be partnering with Duologi for our Paperless Challenge, which serves to illustrate just how easy it is for businesses to replace paper with cost-effective digital solutions. Being an innovative company at heart, Duologi makes an ideal participant for the challenge.”
Gary Little, co-CEO of Duologi, said: “As a forward-thinking business, we’re always looking for new ways to improve our efficiencies. Operating in the financial sector, there is often a reliance on paper, and, therefore, it will be interesting to see the impact of WorkMobile’s Paperless Challenge on our working and overall business costs.”
For further updates on the Paperless Challenge, visit: