Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on January 15, 2019

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or have just started your business it is about time you created New Year resolutions that will help you through the coming twelve months. Based on our experience we’ve outlined the top resolutions you should be making as an entrepreneur. Below we’ve also outlined how to stick to resolutions, use them to achieve your goals and make your business grow.
Frequently Review Your Business Plan and Update It
Even if you have an existing business plan you should have a process in place for frequently reviewing it. By reviewing your plan and updating it, you can change it to take advantage of current trends in the industry or market and ensure that your business makes a higher profit.
Consult Other Entrepreneurs
Setting up meeting with other entrepreneurs within your industry or aligned ones will give you ideas on how to run your business. Even if you have a chance to network with other entrepreneurs during a party grab the opportunity to learn what they are doing in their business and whether or not it can help you.
Get the Right Employees for Your Business
Creating a successful business means getting the right employees. Additionally, people with the right skills, experience and passion for the job will help your business grow faster. Getting these people however can be a challenge especially when the economy is booming. So as part of a plan to hire the best talent, make a resolution at the beginning of the year that will help you with hiring.
Learn from your Failures
Take time to learn from your failures, and this means not sweeping them under the carpet. Instead, shine a light on your failures whether it is losing a contract or an issue with a product. Then discuss them among employees in your business and learn how you could have been successful. Additionally, when learning from your failures do not hesitate to look at what your competitors did to succeed.
Establish Bonds with Your Employees
Treating your employees better is a goal that most entrepreneurs have. However, the path to achieving this goal is strewn with pitfalls as entrepreneurs do not know each employee well. Creating bonds with employees by taking time out in the office to talk to them allows you to understand their goals and aspirations.
Create a plan to Evolve Your Business
Growing your business does not revolve solely around attracting new customers for your products and services. So even if you are swamped with work every day, create a plan so that your business can evolve as it grows. Evolving allows you to introduce better products and services and ensure that your business is able to keep up with trends in the industry.
Refuse Work That You Cannot Handle
Turning down a partnership opportunity or saying no to the creation of a new product for a customer can surprisingly help your business in the long term. Focusing on what your business is good at and limiting the creation of new products and services, allows you to reduce the chances of disappointing customers.
Learning to “think outside the box” as an entrepreneur is a good resolution and is something you should consider doing every day. Tackling problems daily from a new perspective allows for entrepreneurs to adopt innovation solutions, move outside of their comfort zone and ultimately learn new skills.