Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on September 18, 2018
So, first things first, what do we mean by self-empower?
Well the general meaning of self-empowerment is taking control of your life, setting goals and making positive choices.
But as a methodology to create a career and life you love, I think the notion requires a bit more elaboration, here goes…
For me, to self-empower is a mindset, it’s means you knowing that you have the ability to take control of your own life and identity, and that you have the ability to write and rewrite your own story. It also means not wasting time and energy or dwelling on the things you can’t control; we can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we react and therefore we can affect the outcome.
“Self-empowerment is seeking the solution rather than fixating on the problem” -Unknown Source
Self-empowerment is an emotional resilience, it’s the self-belief, trust and inner confidence that you know what is best for you and that you already have all that you need and the power to make the choices, decisions and to take the actions you need to in order to create the life you want.
Self-empowerment also means accepting 100% responsibility for your life because when you start doing that, I promise you will thrive.
Is summary then, self-empowerment is a methodology, a mindset which if exercised, applied, conditioned and backed by action will enable you to live a happy, fulfilled and balanced life.
OK, so you’re channeling your inner power – you are self-empowering and you know that you have the ability to achieve your full career and life potential…
But how do you get from where you are now to where you want to be in that dream career and life?
Here are my 10 tips…
- Clarity
Most of us lead busy lives, for some of us even our social lives are heavily diarised! And whilst we’re all trying to be more productive at home and at work, to go to the gym more etc. and become increasingly connected on email, Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn you name it! So many of us actually neglect to give ourselves the time out and space to think and plan for the future or even just enjoy the present.
The thing is, if you want to be the best version of you, create success on your terms and live your best life then you will need to get clear on what that those things mean to you.
If that’s working super long hours in your corporate job so you can reach the top of your game because you thrive off that kind of achievement then good for you, but if you’d rather be running your own freedom business working on your terms from a coffee shop or fulfilling some philanthropic mission then you need to recognise that and start taking actions towards it.
Action: Take some time to reflect, gain clarity, plan for the future and life you really want so that you can start making intentional moves towards it.
- Values
Connecting with ourselves, our wants and our desires means knowing our values.
Our values are like our core pillars, they are the things that we deem most important to us and they are the foundations upon which our lives should be built, for example, family, health, love, achievement, security… and these will vary for from person to person.
If you aren’t aware of your values and if you’re not living in alignment with them, chances are you won’t be very happy or what you’re doing won’t be sustainable.
Say family is your number one value,your upbringing centered around family and caring for, providing for and being with your own family is what you’re about; then you get a job which requires you to work long hours away from home and you spend less time with and have less energy for your loved ones, you’re not likely to be feeling good about what you’re doing or how you’re living your life.
Knowing your values is like your compass and is vital to you making empowered decisions within your life.
Action:Make the effort to get to know and pay attention to your values so that you can start living in alignment with them.
- Priorities
Priorities are areas of our lives that are important to us and that require regular input, for example, health, relationships, career, finance, hobbies, contribution etc.
But just because we consider something a priority it doesn’t always mean that we act accordingly.Take our health, probably a priority for most us. But say we end up working super long hours in our job, then as a result our diet takes a hit, we start exercising less, drinking more alcohol to combat the stress and to “relax” and before we know it we’re like a 4 out of 10 on the health and well-being scale.
If one life area takes precedence over another especially to the detriment of others there’s no way that we can be self-empowering to be the best that we can be and nor will we be living a balanced or sustainable lifestyle.
Start paying attention to what’s important and be conscious of how you’re choosing to spend your time.
The most happy and successful people tend to have systems, rituals and positive habits which support their goals and lifestyle.
Action: Ask yourself what’s really important? What areas am I neglecting? And what disempowering habits do I need to shake and empowering habits can I make that will empower my life long term?
- Vision
This is where it gets exciting! Vision is the ability to think about or plan for the future with imagination or wisdom, it’s the thing inside us that guides us, creates our desire to grow and improve, gives us a sense of purpose and brings us glimpses of what is possible.
Let’s face it, most of us have to work to earn a living and our lives revolve around some kind of routine; life isn’t exciting every day but if we focus on what’s just in front of us, allow ourselves to get caught up in a mundane routine and stay firmly within our comfort zone, that’s a sure fire way to get well and truly stuck in a rut.
Action:Give yourself permission to dream big and create a meaningful vision for your future that’s in tune with your values, priorities and passions and that the universe can work with you on.
- Roadmap
If you have big dreams and goals then you will need to create a roadmap, that’s a plan or strategy for how you’re going to make those things become a reality.
Big dreams and goals can feel overwhelming but breaking them down into key milestones, mini goals and manageable tasks will help make them feel much more achievable plus you’ll build confidence as you tick them off.
For example, if your dream is to have your own business but that feels a bit scary right now, think about what needs to happen in order to make that a reality and start there.
If you were to do so, your milestones could look like this…
- make the decision to start working on your business alongside your job (i.e. adopt a sidehustle!)
- start working with a mentor or coach to get clear on your business and strategy, to overcome any blockages that are holding you back and to implement an action plan
- Set up your website and social media accounts
- Hand your notice in on (date)…
And so on…
Some tasks see more daunting than others but when you break it down and apply some logic it’s far easier to see how you’re going to get there.
Action: Once you have your vision, create your key milestones and chunk them down until the actions don’t seem scary.
- Action
The bottom line is if you don’t take action then you aren’t going anywhere and that’s consistent action over time.
I love the expression Rome wasn’t built in a day and it’s the same for your dream career and life; in fact building your dream career and life is ongoing. It took me 3 job changes, lots of hardwork, some bold decisions and actions to get me to where I am today and I’m just getting started because my dreams keep getting bigger!
Action is concrete proof of your commitment to what you’re doing, it’s breeds confidence and is ultimately what is going to bridge the gap from where you are now to where you want to be.
Action: Don’t underestimate the power of intentional action and once you’ve done the steps before as outlined here – just start!
- Self-love
Central to self-empowerment is self-love and that means looking after number one in every sense of the word.
It means becoming a priority in your life…
Doing more of what makes you feel good…
Living your life true to your passions and purpose …
Making time for the joyful things…
Being grateful for who you are, what you have and your experiences…
But most importantly being kind to yourself and knowing your own self-worth…
If you tell yourself you’re not good enough or don’t believe you can, then how are you going to be your best self or show up for your best career and life? The answer is you won’t.
How you think, what you say, what you do and what comes true are all linked.So banish those self-limiting stories and beliefs you have about yourself and turn them into mantras that will empower your best life – starting with I am or I will.For example, “I am successful business woman”, “I am a great manager”, “I am a wonderful dad” and make a note of all the evidence!
Remember you are the author of your story – not your parents, friends, colleagues, bullies or negative people that have knocked your confidence – You.
Action: Tell your story through your self-empowered lense, make a list of all the reasons you have to love yourself and reap the benefits self-love will bring.
- Relationships
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
I love this quote. As human beings, we don’t live in isolation and as human beings we thrive off connection with one another – even the introverts amongst us!
So whether that be in your personal or professional relationships, surround yourself with people who get it, that support and empower you in your dreams, that you have fun with and who make you feel good – your tribe, your crew if you like for whatever it is that you need at that moment in time.
Action: Place value on connection and reach out or spend time with those you’ve been meaning to.
- Journey
Remember life isn’t a destination it’s a journey for us to explore, enjoy and cherish.
- Legacy
Live everyday as though you’re creating your legacy and…
“Bring into play the almighty power within you so that on the stage of your life you can fulfil your high destined role.”
- Paramahansa Yogananda
By Mikaela Jackson
Mikaela Jackson is a personal performance coach and the founder of She Almighty, which provides career, business, life coaching services and events for women.
Visit to learn more about Mikaela, her programmes, workshops and events.
Connect with Mikaela…
Twitter: @_shealmighty
Facebook: @shealmighty
Instagram: @_shealmighty