Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on June 8, 2018
Solution Brings Unprecedented Level of Data Security to Canada’s Coast-to-Coast IoT Network
eleven-x Inc., operator of Canada’s first and only coast-to-coast public low power network optimized for the Internet of Things [IoT], ESCRYPT, a global leader in software and communications security, and OrbiWise, developers of OrbiWAN[TM], the leading LoRaWAN™ network server, are pleased to announce the integration of ESCRYPT’s new KMS for LoRaWAN[TM] with the OrbiWAN[TM] server on eleven-x’s network, bringing unprecedented levels of data security to all Smart City and IoT applications utilizing the network.
The new solution tackles the issue of secure key management by securely storing unique keys for LoRaWAN[TM] devices in the ESCRYPT KMS for LoRaWAN[TM] system.
The secure handling of the keys through this system allows the full security that is inherent in LoRaWAN[TM] to be fully realized while removing the expense and risk of manual key handling. Customers can be assured of the mutual authentication of the device and network while the data communicated over the eleven-x network is encrypted from the device through to the customer’s application server, protecting the customer’s application data from end-to-end.
The integration brings together the expertise of three of the world’s leading Internet of Things [IoT] organizations to set new standards in terms of data security from device to dashboard. ESCRYPT is an acknowledged global leader in software security for communications and connectivity for the Internet of Things and Smart Automotive industries. OrbiWAN™ from OrbiWise has been the LNS choice of network operators across the globe by supplying the most up-to-date LoRaWAN[TM] specification support, and the flexibility to add extra security via key management and join server support. The eleven-x LoRaWAN[TM] network is optimized for the Internet of Things and enables the promise of Smart Cities, Buildings, Campuses and Enterprise IoT applications across Canada.
“Sensitivity around data security and privacy is a key factor with our customers and IoT applications in general,” said Dan Mathers, President and CEO of eleven-x Inc. “We are really excited to be working with world-class partners like OrbiWise and ESCRYPT to help deliver unmatched levels of security for our customers.”
“We partnered with eleven-x and OrbiWise to develop the ESCRYPT-KMS so satisfy the needs of module manufacturers, server providers and network operators in the LoRaWAN[TM] ecosystem. The goal was to offer security best practices for customers of a LoRaWAN[TM] network” said Tony Rosati, Director of IOT Security at ESCRYPT.
“OrbiWise values the relationship with our partners at eleven-x and was excited at the prospect of helping them create an even more secure network as they expand across Canada by partnering with ESCRYPT to integrate their excellent KMS for LoRaWAN[TM] key management solution with our industry leading OrbiWAN[TM] LNS,” said Domenico Arpaia, CEO of OrbiWise.
Supporting the use of low-cost battery powered sensors, the eleven-x network addresses IoT applications where requirements include wireless connectivity, devices that require long battery life, no maintenance and a low total cost of ownership.